Rabu, 28 November 2012

Procedure Text

Procedure Text


Ada tiga definisi "umum" mengenai procedure text : (1)Texts that explain how something works or how to use instruction / operation manuals e.g. how to use the video, the computer, the tape recorder, the photocopier, the fax. (2) Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity e.g. recipes, rules for games, science experiments, road safety rules. (3) Texts that deal with human behaviour eg how to live happily, how to succeed.

Dari keterangan di atas, dapat kita garis bawahi bahwa procedure text adalah (1) Teks yang menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu bekerja atau teks yang menjelaskan cara menggunakan pedoman instruksi / penggunaan. contoh : cara menggunakan video, komputer, mesin fotokopi, fax dll. (2) Teks yang menunjukan cara melakukan aktifitas tertentu. contoh : resep, aturan bermain game, eksperimen ilmiah, aturan keamanan berkendara. (3) Teks yang berhubungan dengan tingkah laku manusia. contoh : cara hidup bahagian, cara sukses. dll..

Summington ( 2009 : 156 ) menjelaskan dalam bukunya bahwa :

Procedure is a text that shows a process in order. Its social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series.

Prosedur adalah teks yang menunjukkan suatu proses . Berfungsi untuk menggambarkan bagaimana sesuatu benar-benar dilakukan melalui rangkaian .

The purpose procedural text is to tell the reader how to do or make something. The information is presented in a logical sequence of events which is broken up into small sequenced steps. These texts are usually written in the present tense.

Tujuan procedure text adalah memberitahu pembaca cara melakukan / membuat sesuatu. Informasi disajikan dengan urutan peristiwa yang logis. Peristiwa tersebut biasanya dibagi menjadi beberapa langkah-langkah terpisah. Teks ini biasanya ditulis menggunakan present tense.

 ·         Generic Structure of Procedure

Goal: showing the purpose

Tahapan pertama dalam emmbuat procedure text adalah dengan memaparkan secara persuasif tujuan kita sebagai penulis ketika memaparkan teks tersebut. Dalam Goal, penulis juga diharapkan menjelaskan tujuan praktis proses melakukan sesuatu.

Material: Telling the needed materials

Satu hal yang tidak boleh lupa dicantumkan adalah materi-materi yang dibutuhkan dalam proses tersebut. Detail benda serta keterangan yang akan berfungsi sebagai penunjang proses pembuatan.

Step 1-end: Describing the steps to achieve the purpose

Kemudian, tahapan terakhir sekaligus tahapan paling penting adalah STEP. Dalam STEP penulis harus menjelaskan langkah-langkah riil dari awal sampai proses tersebut selesai dan menghasilkan sesuatu.

Language Feature of Procedure
  1. Using temporal conjunction
  2. Using action verb
  3. Using imperative sentence
  4. Using Simple Present Tense

Contoh Procedure Text 1 :

Ø How to Make an Avocado Juice

The ingredients to make avocado juice:
• 2 pieces of avocado
• 2 tablespoons brown sugar shaved
• Ice cubes to taste
• 1/4 cup water

How to Make
How to make avocado juice follows.
1. Halve avocado, seeded, dredge the meat.
2. Enter the avocado flesh, brown sugar, and ice cubes in a blender.
3. Add water to taste and blend until smooth.
4. Pour into a glass of juice. Avocado juice ready to be enjoyed.

Contoh Procedure Text 2: How To Make a Salty Fish Fried Rice


Titi noodles, dried noodles
Chicken, boiled. Set aside the water for broth. Flesh diced
Peeled shrimp
Sliced ​​meatballs
Chicken liver, cut into medium
Leaf mustard, dipotong2.
4 items chicken eggs, beaten
Enough cornstarch, mixed with water

Garlic, mashed or in keprek
Pepper powder
Salt to taste
Oil for sauteing
How to make:

1. Saute garlic and pepper / pepper until fragrant.

2. Enter the shrimp, meatball mix until color changes

3. Enter the chicken livers, stir slowly (a little water may be added)

4. Enter a last stir into the broth, add salt to taste and flavor

5. Enter mustard leaves, wait a minute then pour the beaten eggs while stirring constantly

6. Once deemed fit, mix the cornstarch solution until the sauce thickens slightly.

7. Cook briefly. Completed.

How to serve:

Put titi noodles on a plate, pour the sauce over it. Serve with lime wedges and yellow chili sauce.


-For the yellow sauce is better if a message directly to Makassar yaa .. noodles titi also become troublesome ga ajah message

- Can also add mushrooms

- Serve it hot

Contoh Procedure Text 3 : HOW TO WEAR A KIMONO

*       Hadajuban (underwear)
*      Belt (Kohishimo)
*       Obi
*       Bunko
*       Geta

Step by Step:

Wear nagajuban (underwear, usually white, visible on the collar), lay out the left front cover to the right. Make up
Stand up straight, put your arms in a yukata.
Wear a Yukata, set so that the center back seam (senui) ditengah2 was directly behind the body.

Bring the two ends of the collar (tomoeri) yukata front, pull slightly towards the back collar of the neck proper reply.
Yukata Pull slightly upwards, so that the lower end above the ankle yukata + 5 cm
 Set the right yukata shitamae, then rested the left onto the right yukata uwamae earlier.
 Trim yukata, with a rope belt fasteners (koshihimo)

Adjust the strap fasteners yukata until covered, then tie the body (under the breast) with koshihimo, forming folds in the back of the hip (ohashori).
Trim collar and collar nagajuban yukata.

Cover the last with Obi with wrapped right around ropes fasteners had been. tied with rope that already exist on the Obi.
Glue ribbon shaped butterfly (Bunko) on Obi
Gently pull Obi a clockwise direction, set it all I've got butterfly shaped ribbon(Bunko) are at the center of the back,
For the tall, yukata be worn without ohashori (folds at the waist / hips)

Untuk sementara, contoh-contoh procedure text hanya bisa disajikan dua saja. Semoga bisa disajikan lebih banyak lagi agar sobat bisa mengetahui cara membuat dan mempraktikkan procedure text. :)

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